Sunday, 20 October 2024

The Rumbles in PDP Wards that Might Affect Governor Umo Eno's Second Chance.

There is currently an ill-wind blowing at the respective wards of the People Democratic Party (PDP) that might affect, negatively, the chance of Governor Umo Eno, if at all the Governor is interested in a second term, and the chances of PDP as a whole come 2027 that must be nibbed at the butt, and not allowed to fester.

 According to some insiders from various wards within the Ikot Ekpene Senatorial district, who spoke in condition of anonymity to your IKPNews platform, the ill-wind stem from the appointments of the respective Personal Assistant to the Governor by the respective wards' leaders, who are being accused of selfishness and appointing people not on merits, people that their contribution to the party cannot be said to be impactful, people lacking in popularity, goodwill and the capacity to galvanised needed supports at their respective wards level for governor Umo Eno and the PDP, come 2027. They accused some of their wards' leaders of appointing people that don't command the respects of their people, and don't have the people's acceptability, for their selfish interest and personal aggrandisement of collecting percentage from these unpopular PAs. They argue that despite most of the wards' leaders occupying one appointment or the other at the State,  they still come to control who becomes PA and  Councilors at the ward, some either appointing their relations, or people they will be collecting percentage from their take home pay. 

They even pointed out that, "some people that have been selected and their names captured among the five thousand (5,000) youths that the governor promised some stipends in the governor's empowerment programme are all people that have an understanding to remit some percentage of the empowerment to these unscrupulous elements that call themselves ward leaders", one respondent, who threatened mobilizing and voting against the PDP come 2027 if this anomaly is not addressed explained

They suggest as the way forward, that the governor should carefully direct various LG political leaders, Federal and State House Members, as well as LG chairmen to oversee and determine who become supervisors, so as to pacify and accommodates some dynamic leaders, who have contributed immensely to the party and have the capacity to mobilized support for the party, and not to keep on relying on the choices of wards leaders, whose action might jeopardized the interest of the party.. 

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